Free to Love, Guarded Heart, or Currently Self-Aware?

Free to Love, Guarded Heart, or Currently Self-Aware?

In the whirlwind world of love and dating, life has a funny way of revealing who's truly on your team, who's secretly against you, and who will teach you the hardest lessons of all. Before committing, judging, or even planning your future with someone, remember this: the heart and mind are powerful, but when clouded by ego, trauma, or deep affection, they can lead you into a frenzy. Mastering the art of wise choices can pull you out of the Lala Land of love that blinds our logical thinking.

But what happens when you fall for someone selfish, guarded, or simply self-aware? I've been on this emotional rollercoaster, dealing with people who don't see eye to eye with me, don't match my vibe, or don't share my vision for life and love. So, do life and love really go hand in hand?

Enter "The Mystery." Never have I fallen so hard, so fast. They say you feel it in your gut, and boy, did I feel it. But is it lust or admiration? Can someone capture your heart in a split second or over the long term? Let's delve into this enigma.

Mystery is seven years my senior, irresistibly attractive, and deeply in tune with the world around them—a true breath of fresh air. We share a love for the arts, literature, and spirituality. Their sense of ease and contentment when we speak is utterly contagious.

Yet, Mystery is single, at peace, and has everything going for them. It terrifies me. Why? Because at 33, I'm still searching for peace and self-discovery, my heart guarded by past traumas. Can anyone else relate?

So, why do some people crave their freedom? Is it the aftermath of toxic relationships that led them to the brink of destruction and onto a healing path? Or is it age and wisdom that make singletons more selfish with their time, knowing exactly what they want or being self-aware of how they want to be loved?

When someone you find intriguing tells you they're not seeking love but are open to it, it's a hard pill to swallow. It feels like my choices always leave me lost in the wilderness, searching for an escape.

In this modern dating jungle, we must ask ourselves: Are we yearning for freedom because we're selfish, guarded, or simply self-aware? And when the person you're drawn to isn't on the same page, do you walk away, run towards something new, or stay patient while keeping love options open?

Are you dealing with or destined to become, a freedom rider, a selfish romantic, or a self-aware superhero? I’m not sure which person I resonate with quite yet, but maybe, just maybe, I can spice things up by adding a little "Mystery" into my life for now.  ;-)

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