The Blog Rebirth: An Ode to Authentic Art & Speech
Hopefully I can keep up with this every Sunday, I’m no good at meeting deadlines these days ya know? With a new career, and a deep desire to stay engulfed in the arts, I decided to bet on myself, and let the world into my heart and thoughts. Well sort of, we’ll see how things pan out. I mean, who still reads blogs anyways? And do people still rely on blogs as one of their main sources to seek out information?
The power of thoughts personalized and translated by a person who seeks out life gems, must have something interesting to say on a weekly basis. Maybe lately I've been watching too many 90’s romance sitcoms and movies. Or being forced as a child to sit at the round table to read the newspaper with her dysfunctional family every Sunday evening, after a soul food dinner, shots of Paul Mason, who would then as a unit, later, cuss, fight, and impolitely discuss social politics shortly after our reading-bonding session.
Fast forward to Post Pandemic 2024.
With the chaotic static of social media, and the current era of “clone art” where is the authenticity of art and speech? Are we mimicking the Andy Warhol mass produced art era, where everyone is producing similar content? Hell yeah we are. So reviving ‘The blog” back to its purest art form like a blast of the past, doesn't seem like a bad idea. Because maaan do I miss the beauty of the 90’s when print media was our social media, and everyone had something to say and create in their own personal way.
Let’s go back to the basics, people! Let’s quiet the static of the “new” social media era, eliminate “clone art and speech” for good and start stimulating our minds again due to its obscurity. Personally, I constantly seek out my life gems to benefit my day - to - day life through relationships, art, beauty, and social politics. Will you ride this blog wave with me?